This question goes out to professional communicators: What current and future trends are taking hold in corporate communications, public relations, media relations, marketing and the like? If you've kept up with this blog, you know it's geared toward SMU Communication (CCPA) students in my Advanced Communication Skills class. Students last semester gained valuable insight from professionals who commented on this blog site and on the student blog sites. (Students were required to develop their own blog for the class. Their blogs are listed below.) One unexpected benefit from the class was internship and job offers students received as a result of their blogs. The assigned articles posted on their blogs gave potential employers an opportunity to see the students' skills and their knowledge of the field.
For spring semester, in addition to developing a blog, students will learn podcasting and webcasting, and how these new forms of communication are being used to effectively deliver messages in an world struggling with information overload.
So, as I begin preparing the class for the next round of students in Advanced. Com. Skills, I invite you to offer the benefit of your experience to the wannabe communication professionals of tomorrow. What are some of the best practices in PR today? What new strategies, cutting edge technology, networking opportunities, skills and approaches will give students an edge as they move into real-world communication work?
I look forward to hearing from you.