Monday, February 12, 2007

Thanks Scott Baradell

Today, students in SMU's Advanced Communication Skills class heard from Scott Baradell, founder of Dallas PR firm Idea Grove. Baradell provided a fresh perspective on how students must learn new forms of communication, such as blogging and podcasting, to enhance their communication skills and give them an edge with prospective employers. He said communication professionals no longer refer to blogging as a flash in the pan. In fact, he characterized blogging as "huge" for the communication field.

Baradell urged students to continue developing their blog sites over time, not abandoning their blogs at the end of the semester. "Blogs are a great networking tool, and students should know that by listing their blog sites on their resume, they are giving employers an opportunity to see much more than just what you can squeeze on a resume." He said employers can browse the blog and see the quality of a student's writing style, their point of view, their technological skills and their reach. "Think of your blog as an extension of your resume," he added.

Good advice, Scott. We invite you to drop by our blog and give us advice and insight anytime. And we'll keep up with you through your blog: Media Orchard
Thank you!